Mount and blade pirates
Mount and blade pirates

The game was officially closed down on the 28th of February 2017.

mount and blade pirates

You cannot even play LAN versions of the game because of a lack of support.

mount and blade pirates

Sadly, the developers have removed the game from the servers and deleted it from online hosts. The game War of the Roses involved running around and taking part in medieval-style battles with other online players. Even the sound effects of iron crushing bone are crispy and juicy like with M&B. In these respects, it is fair to say that many of the fight mechanics are similar to Mount & Blade. Your strike also has a different effect based on where you strike, how hard you strike, and with what weapon you strike. They are similar in terms of how you swipe in different directions, and how your position with regards to your enemy makes a difference on how effective your strike is. Some of the fight mechanics in “War of the Roses” the game are very similar to Mount And Blade. That is not to say that Kenshi is a bad game, in fact, it deserves is positive online reputation, but it just cannot compete with Mount And Blade. Much of the time, you have to find ways of making your own fun. You are running around doing your own thing, but it is tough to figure out your own motivation. One of the most noticeable differences is the fact that Kenshi lacks character and often feels vapid and hollow. The free-roaming element makes it similar to Mount And Blade, and you can pick your own path in life–be it a trader, warlord, rebel or thief. You get to fight swarms of bandits on a real-time 3D map. It stands relatively alone in its field, but there are some games that allow you to experience different elements of Mount & Blade, so here are a few you may like to consider.

mount and blade pirates

To be honest, there are very few games like Mount And Blade as of 2017, however due to it’s popularity more are sure to follow. Read the full Mount and Blade Review Games Similar To Mount And Blade The developers created an open world where your destiny is your own, where your level upgrades actually had a noticeable effect, and where the battle maps were more than just a melee of iron and blood. Mount & Blade was one of the first games to master horseback combat in a way that worked consistently and where the controls didn’t make you feel like you were piloting a rickety ice-cream truck.

Mount and blade pirates